The information contained within the NI Formulary is intended for use by healthcare professionals, within primary and secondary care in Northern Ireland. The Strategic Planning and Performance Group (SPPG) has made every effort to check that the information is accurate at the time of publication but cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage caused by reliance on this information. The information on this website should be interpreted in light of professional knowledge and supplemented as necessary by appropriate professional publications and product literature. Please refer to BNF and/or product literature for full details of cautions and contra-indications.
Information within this site, in particular the ‘Patient Area’, should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional medical care by a qualified doctor or other health care professional.
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Also in this Section
Also in this Section
- Home
- Disclaimer
- Privacy Policy
- Formulary
- Chapter Summary Sheets
- 1.0 Gastro intestinal System
- 1.1 Dyspepsia and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD)
- 1.2 Antispasmodics and other drugs altering gut motility
- 1.3 Antisecretory drugs and mucosal protectants
- 1.4 Acute diarrhoea
- 1.5 Chronic bowel disorders
- 1.6 Laxatives
- 1.7 Local preparations for anal and rectal disorders
- 1.9 Drugs affecting intestinal secretions
- 2.0 Cardiovascular System
- 2.1 Positive inotropic drugs
- 2.2 Diuretics
- 2.3 Anti-arrhythmic drugs
- 2.4 Beta-adrenoceptor blocking drugs
- 2.5 Hypertension and heart failure
- 2.6 Nitrates, calcium-channel blockers and other antianginal drugs
- 2.7 Sympathomimetics
- 2.8 Anticoagulants and protamine
- 2.9 Antiplatelet drugs
- 2.10 Stable angina, acute coronary syndromes and fibrinolysis
- 2.11 Antifibrinolytic drugs and haemostatics
- 2.12 Lipid-regulating drugs
- 3.0 Respiratory System
- 3.1 Bronchodilators
- 3.2 Corticosteroids
- 3.3 Leukotriene receptor antagonists and phosphodiesterase type-4 inhibitors
- 3.4 Antihistamines, hyposensitisation and allergic emergencies
- 3.6 Oxygen
- 3.7 Mucolytics
- 3.9 Cough preparations
- 4.0 Central Nervous System
- 4.1 Hypnotics and anxiolytics
- 4.2 Drugs used in psychoses and related disorders
- 4.3 Antidepressant drugs
- 4.4 CNS stimulants and drugs used for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- 4.5 Drugs used in the treatment of obesity
- 4.6 Drugs used in nausea and vertigo
- 4.7 Analgesics
- 4.8 Anti-epileptics
- 4.9 Drugs used in parkinsonism and related disorders
- 4.10 Medications used in substance use disorders
- 4.11 Drugs for dementia
- 5.0 Infections (including children)
- 6.0 Endocrine
- 6.1 Diabetes
- 6.2 Thyroid and antithyroid drugs and parathyroid disease
- 6.3 Corticosteroids
- 6.4 Sex hormones
- 6.6 Drugs affecting bone metabolism
- 6.7 Other endocrine drugs
- 7.0 Contraception, Gynaecology and Urinary Tract Disorders
- 7.1.1 Primary dysmenorrhoea
- 7.1.2 Heavy menstrual bleeding
- 7.1.3 Endometriosis (previously diagnosed by laparoscopy)
- 7.1.4 Lichen sclerosus
- 7.1.5 Persistent breast pain
- 7.1.6 Premenstrual tension syndrome
- 7.1.7 Polycystic ovarian syndrome
- 7.2 Treatment of vaginal and vulval conditions
- 7.3 Contraceptives
- 7.4 Drugs for genito-urinary disorders
- 8.0 Malignant Disease and Immunosuppression
- 9.0 Nutrition and Blood
- 9.1 Anaemias and some other blood disorders
- 9.4 Oral Nutrition
- 9.5 Minerals
- 9.6 Vitamins
- Infant Feeding
- Supplementations in pregnancy/ pre-conception
- Wound management and nutrition
- Gluten free prescribing
- Palliative Care
- 10.0 Musculoskeletal and Joint Diseases
- 11.0 Eye
- 12.0 Ear, Nose and Oropharynx
- 13.0 Skin
- 13.1 Management of skin conditions
- 13.2 Emollients and barrier preparations
- 13.3. Topical local anaesthetics and antipruretics
- 13.4 Topical corticosteroids
- 13.5 Preparations for eczema and psoriasis
- 13.6 Acne and rosacea
- 13.7 Preparations for warts and calluses
- 13.8 Sunscreens and camouflagers
- 13.9 Shampoos and other preparations for scalp and hair conditions
- 13.10 Anti-infective skin preparations
- 13.11 Skin cleansers, antiseptics, and desloughing agents
- 13.12 Antiperspirants
- 14.0 Anaesthesia
- 15.0 Stoma Care Accessory Formulary
- Wound Care Formulary (Dressings)
- Newsletters & Publications
- Melatonin Paediatric Product Selection Guide
- PCE Bulletins
- Medicines Management Newsletters
- Pharmacy Regional News – ‘PRN’
- Cost Effective Choices
- HSC Agreed list of Paediatric liquid medicines’
- Generic Prescribing Newsletters and Exception List
- Swallowing Difficulties & Thickening Agents
- Travel Vaccine Advice
- Document Library
- Proton pump inhibitors in paediatrics
- Managed Entry
- Deprescribing & OTC
- Patient Area
- Know Check Ask
- Northern Ireland Formulary-the right medicine for you
- Anaphylaxis
- Anticholinergic Medicine
- Asthma and COPD
- Diabetes-‘hypos’
- Epilepsy
- Eye Care
- Generics
- Hayfever
- Heartburn and Reflux
- Mental Health (including sleep and relaxation)
- Nutrition
- Ordering your Prescription
- Osteoporosis
- Pain
- Self Care
- Skin
- Stoma Appliances and Accessories
- Travel Advice
- Useful links
- About & Contact