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4.4.2 Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) in adults


1st choice

For information

Specialist initiation only

Methylphenidate prolonged-release tablets/capsules                                                                               
Prescribe By Brand Name
See BNF for dosing
[off-label use of some preparations of methylphenidate]

2nd choice

For information

Specialist initiation only

Methylphenidate standard release tablets 5mg, 10mg, 20mgDose:
See BNF for dosing
[off-label use]

Prescribing Notes

  • Refer to NICE NG87 ADHD guidance.
  • NICE recommend methylphenidate or lisdexamfetamine as first line pharmacological treatments for adults with ADHD. Refer to NICE for further information and for details of other treatment options.
  • Methylphenidate and lisdexamfetamine are amber list drugs and should only be initiated by a specialist with expertise in ADHD- see Shared Care Guideline.
  • Modified-release preparations of methylphenidate should be prescribed by brand. GPs should prescribe the brand of methylphenidate that has been recommended by the specialist.
  • MHRA advises to use caution if switching patients between different long-acting formulations of methylphenidate.