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Stoma Appliances and Accessories

This leaflet explains how to obtain supplies of your stoma appliances. You may find the following information useful if you have a stoma or are due to have one in the near future so that you can make an informed choice about how you obtain your stoma appliances.

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How to obtain supplies of your stoma appliances


  • Your stoma nurse will assess your needs and recommend appropriate stoma appliances and accessories.
  • Your stoma nurse will discuss options for future supply, either from a delivery company or your local community pharmacy and your stoma nurse will obtain consent for your personal information to be sent to the delivery company if you choose this option.


  • Your stoma nurse will supply sufficient stock at discharge to ensure you have enough supplies to keep you going until you can order a prescription for further supplies and receive your next supply of products.
  • Your stoma nurse will supply you with your prescription information and you should let your GP know your prescription information as soon as possible so they can make a note of it in your medical records and issue prescriptions in the future.


You are responsible for ordering your prescription for any appliances you require from your GP and you should contact your GP directly to order your stoma products when you have approximately two weeks supply remaining.
Please bear in mind that in all cases, a prescription needs to be obtained before any supplies can be sent out.
There’s no need to stockpile supplies, but it is recommended that you order more appliances while you still have some left so you don’t run out.
Your prescription can either be sent to, or collected by, your local community pharmacy or a delivery company.
Whether you choose your pharmacist or a delivery company to supply your stoma appliances, all service providers, have agreed to dispense in accordance with the service standards, which include:

  • Use of appropriately trained staff;
  • Flange cutting and customisation of appliances on request;
  • Supply of free disposal bags and wipes as required;
  • Supply and delivery in accordance with patient’s needs eg delivery times, use of discreet packaging/ courier; and
  • A confidential and private patient support service


  • Patient orders a prescription for all appliances required from their GP
  • Patient in discussion with their GP gives consent for their prescription to be sent to, or collected by, their community pharmacist or patient (or representative) collects prescription and brings it to the pharmacy
  • Pharmacist dispenses appliances in accordance with prescription information
  • Appliances can be collected by the patient (or representative) or delivered to the patient’s home by prior arrangement with the pharmacist
  • If you have not received your stoma supplies two weeks after placing the order with your GP practice you should contact the pharmacy directly to check about your supplies


  • Patient orders a prescription for all appliances required from their GP
  • Patient in discussion with their GP gives consent for their prescription to be sent to, or collected by, delivery company or patient collects and posts their prescription to delivery company
  • On receipt of prescription delivery company dispenses appliances in accordance with prescription information
  • Delivery company delivers appliances to the patient
  • If you have not received your stoma supplies two weeks after placing the order with your GP practice you should contact the delivery company directly to check delivery date.

Frequently asked questions

Who do I speak to if I want to use a different stoma appliance or accessory?

You should discuss this with your stoma care nurse specialist and/or prescriber. They will be best placed to advise what alternatives may or may not be suitable to meet your clinical needs. Changes to your stoma care appliances or accessories will be communicated directly to your GP by a Stoma Care Nurse Specialist. It is important to seek professional advice before using new products or accessories.

What do I do if I am dissatisfied with the service I get from my stoma product supplier?

In the first instance discuss your concerns with the supplier and/or your Stoma Care Nurse Specialist. If that fails to resolve your concerns use your HSCNI complaints procedure for your complaint to be formally investigated.

Sources of further information

Colostomy – NHS (
Colostomy UK – A UK charity supporting people with a stoma
We are strong – Ileostomy & Internal Pouch Association (
The Urostomy Association – Support & Information for patients and carers


Published – March 2024
Review Date – March 2027
Prepared by SPPG Pharmacy and Medicines Management team in conjunction with NI Stoma Nurse Forum

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