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The Department of Health NI policy is to “reduce the prescribing of medicines for the treatment of minor conditions and self-limiting illnesses which may be purchased at low cost without the need for a GP appointment or prescription”.

Patients are encouraged to selfcare and seek advice from their local community pharmacist to help manage minor conditions and self-limiting illnesses.

Hayfever is a condition which lends itself to self-care, i.e. the person suffering does not normally need to seek medical advice and can manage the condition by purchasing OTC items directly. Therefore most people with mild or intermittent symptoms (where they come and go)  are able to relieve symptoms with OTC treatments recommended by a pharmacist or purchased in local retail outlets.


TitleDate addedDownload
HayFever and other allergies20/07/2023 Download
HayFever Medications20/07/2023 Download

Useful links

Hay Fever | Allergy UK | National Charity

How to use nasal spray | Asthma + Lung UK (

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