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Lamotrigine information


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What is Lamotrigine or Lamictal®?

Lamotrigine is a medication used to treat epilepsy or bipolar disease. Lamictal®  is a brand of Lamotrigine tablets and is also used for these conditions.

Dose Optimisation of Lamotrigine / Lamictal® tablets

Prescribers across Northern Ireland are carrying out dose optimisation of Lamotrigine and Lamictal® tablets.

What is Dose Optimisation?

Some patients who are on a large number of Lamotrigine or Lamictal® tablets may be switched to a higher strength tablet to reduce the number of tablets that they have to take. The patient’s total dose remains the same.

Which patients will this affect?

Patients whose condition is stable on their current dose and who are prescribed multiple tablets of low dose Lamotrigine or Lamictal®

See examples below

Previous Strength and dose New strength and dose
Lamotrigine 25mg x 4 tablets Lamotrigine 100mg x 1 tablet
Lamotrigine 50mg x 2 tablets Lamotrigine 100mg x 1 tablet
Lamotrigine 50mg x 4 tablets Lamotrigine 200mg x 1 tablet
Lamotrigine 100mg x 2 tablets Lamotrigine 200mg x 1 tablet
Lamictal® 25mg x 4 tablets Lamictal® 100mg x 1 tablet
Lamictal® 50mg x 2 tablets Lamictal® 100mg x 1 tablet

Why is this change being made?

Instead of taking a lot of low strength tablets it is safer for patients to take a smaller number of higher strength tablets. The makers of Lamotrigine and Lamictal® tablets recommend this approach.

Will I notice any difference in the control of my medication?

You should notice no difference at all as you will be receiving exactly the same overall dose of medication.

Where can I go for further information?

If you have any further queries, speak to your GP practice or community pharmacist.


Patient information leaflet produced by SPPG Pharmacy and Medicines Management Team.